
Intercultural competences, professionalism and communication are key competences in health care. Therefore, the health university of applied sciences tyrol not only creates structural conditions for their students to go abroad but also encourages them to gain international experiences. Especially in the bachelor's degree programmes, where practical courses are an integrative part of the study programmes.

Erasmus+ internship

In the course of the practical training in the respective bachelor's or master's degree programmes, you have the opportunity to apply for an Erasmus+ funded traineeship abroad. In addition to the financial support, the Erasmus+ stay will be recognised as a compulsory practical course in the form of ECTS and registered in the Diploma Supplement.

Infofolder Internship Mobility

For more useful information about Erasmus+ please visit Nationalagentur Erasmus+ 


An Erasmus+ traineeship abroad must last at least 60 days. The funded traineeship must be accomplished at one host institution only (e.g. clinic/hospital, research/medical centre, company or institution from the public or private sector) and is defined as a full-time traineeship. 

Mobility to country of origin

Mobility to the country of origin is possible; however, stays in the country where students usually reside are excluded. Students who live in a neighbouring country and only come to Austria for study purposes (cross-border commuters) cannot be funded for an Erasmus+ stay in the country of residence.

When can I go on an Erasmus+ placement abroad?

During the longer practical training periods in the respective bachelor's or master's degree programmes.
An Erasmus+ traineeship for recent graduates can be accomplished after graduation (within 12 months). You will receive financial support, but a postgraduate practical training will not be recognised as academic credit. Please note that the application must be submitted before your last examination. 

How do I find a suitable internship abroad?

You organize your internship in the country of your choice independently and in accordance with your respective degree programme.

Application for an Erasmus+ fund

Students of the health university of applied sciences tyrol find all the information on the application process on the German version of this website and the E-Learning platform Moodle.

How much money will I receive for my Erasmus+ fund?

You will receive - depending on the country of your exchange/internship - a monthly individual support. Your total grant is calculated to the day and is used to cover increased living costs. You can find the support grant (depending on the receiving country) and details here.

Erasmus+ online linguistic support

The programme offers student language learning support. This support will mainly be offered via the Erasmus+ Online Language Support (OLS) platform, adapted as necessary to individual sectors, as e-learning offers advantages for language learning in terms of access and flexibility.

Online Linguistic Support (OLS)

Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027

In the Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027, the following priorities have been formulated:

  • Inclusion and Diversity
  • Digital Transformation
  • Environment and fight against climate change
  • Participation in democratic life, common values and civic engagement

More information on Erasmus+ activities

Environment and climate protection are central to the EU and the Erasmus+ Programme in terms of sustainability. Considering mobility as a core element of Erasmus+, the programme promotes environmentally conscious travel choices and sustainable transportation with the top-up Green Travel and extra funded travel days. Find out more: Green Erasmus the portal for concrete sustainable Erasmus+ information and experiences abroad.

Internship Switzerland

In exceptional cases, your practical training in Switzerland can be funded by the Erasmus+ programme. Information can be obtained from the International Relations Office.

If you are interested in a funded internship in Switzerland, you can also apply to our Swiss partner universities for SEMP funding - Swiss European Mobility Programme. The Swiss partner university will take care of the organisational and financial aspects. If you are interested, please contact your respective degree programme or the International Relations Office.

More information on SEMP

Internship freemover

If you are doing a self-funded internship abroad, please contact your degree programme or practical training coordinator to discuss the content.

Additional funding opportunities  as well as  here

Information on insurance

The Erasmus+ programme does not automatically provide insurance cover, thus, for your Erasmus+ stay abroad, you will have to proof of a minimum of health, liability and accident insurance cover.

Health insurance

The European Health Insurance Card is on the reverse of your e-card and entitles you to medically necessary services within the public health system during a temporary stay in the EU countries. However, it is not an alternative to travel insurance. Thus, it is advisable to take care of an additional insurance cover (travel and/or accident insurance during free time, repatriation insurance, etc.). It is your responsibility to ensure that you have sufficient insurance cover.

Further information

Accident and liability insurance

As a member of the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) and as a student of the health university of applied sciences tyrol, you are automatically covered by a liability and accident insurance, provided that the ÖH fee has been paid.

Does not apply in connection with cases of damage during free time and postgraduate internships. For overseas internships, additional insurance is recommended.

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